Play Dough FUN!

So my mom has the best play dough recipe ever. I remember playing with it all the time as a kid and now I LOVE to make it for my kids. It's the quickest way to keep them busy for a good hour or more! They love to pick their own color and "tool" of choice from the kitchen drawers. Here are the kiddos watching the whole process and anticipating the great time ahead!
One of the best things about this recipe is it is so cheap and quick to make. We just keep it in the cupboard in leftover containers to re-use over and over again...until we get board of the colors and want new ones. At which time we just whip up a new batch!
Thanks mommy for passing on this great "keep the kids entertained" recipe on to me :-D

Here is the Recipe:
1/4 cup salt                                            - Put all ing. in a pot
1 cup flour                            - Stir Constantly over med heat till a ball forms. It will be all weird
1 tsp cr.of tarter                      and lumpy and kind of hard to stir towards the end but just keep
1 cup water                             going!
1+ Tbsp oil                           - dump it out onto a lightly floured surface and kneed till smooth.
                                             - Add a few drops of food coloring and kneed. ENJOY!

*The Cr. Of Tarter is the KEY ingredient make the play dough so nice! Also it tastes gross because of all the salt so for those of you who have kids who are eaters...they won't take more than one bite! haha*

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1 comment:

  1. Bobbi, I love this recipe! I use it all the time too! It lasts a long time and it is better than the salty one. Love seeing the blog, especially Isabellism and the videos. Looking forward to your visit home.

