
We have had an amazing Christmas and New years this year. My family came over here and we packed  the four weeks, f-u-l-l of f-u-n! We have been so busy and always on the go. The kids have had zero structure, sleeping in different hotels and places, going to bed late, eating out all the time, getting treats from Grandparents and uncles on demand, not having to do any chores or go to school. Needless to say it's been one giant party! It is all over now and we are home, ready to get back into a regular routine.
I have found with kids, there is always a sort of adjustment period after a trip. They need to be reminded and re-trained on how regular normal life goes. The first day we were back I asked Isabelle to please clean up her toys and straighten the shoes. These are two of her regular, everyday chores. She usually does them without much of a fuss, however since it's been a month since she had to do them, or anything else for that matter, the whining and complaining started immediately.

I took her aside and explained that the party is now over and that it's time to get back into the routine of her normal, regular life. We talked about some of the things that are expected of her ~ nothing new, just a reminder. After our chat I asked her if she understood what we talked about, she nodded and walked off (with a frown) to do her chores. 
As she was straightening the shoes I heard her say to herself "geesh, I just don't think I like my regular life much!" 

I guess that's what I get for showing her such a fun time! Give your kid a giant, month long holiday and her so called "regular life" doesn't seem so hot anymore! haha

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