
Here is a little fact about our little Isabelle that some of you may not yet know....she is a chocoholic. Through and through, she can smell it and see it from a mile away. It is often used as a bribe of sorts in our home. I do have her do things, "just because I said so" but if a bribe is in order I prefer to offer positive consequence instead of a negative one. Today this may have backfired a little......
I was in the kitchen making dinner with a tired, hungry, crying Scarlett attached to my leg. Isabelle was at the table coloring away (as usual).

ME: "Hey Isabelle I would really appreciate it if you could play with your sister for a few minutes while I finish making dinner"
ISSY: "Well...sorry mom, but I am coloring right now"
ME: "The choice is up to you, one choice is the right decide if you want to be a good helper to mom or not" (just laying on a little guilt trip usually works wonders since she loves to be a good helper)
ISSY: "hummmm.....well if I make the right choice will I get some chocolate?" 

I started laughing, she's such a little negotiator sometimes, always trying to make a deal! What a girl :)

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