Hot new heals

While we were in Cebu a few weeks ago we did some shopping. Lance likes shopping (thankfully) but I LOVE it! Seriously, love it. 

Lance is so good to me when we go shopping together on trips. He walks around with me, goes into girl shops, watches the kids run around the store while I try stuff on...all because he knows I need my "retail therapy" 

Anyway, I found a few great items this trip....but my absolute favorite purchase was the 2 pairs of hot new heals I found. 

What girl doesn't love a great pair of heals?! 

Ok, I know lot's of girls don't. These pic's are for those other women who share my love of a fantastic pair of shoes.

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    seriously, i squeeled, i LOVE the shoes, I love ghe red under them, ohhh i want them ahah. I love the other red ones too, how stinking cute are they! I used to live in Heels, not so much now, but i love love love them.
    plus, you look stinking gorgeous, what a cute dress, and i can't beleive how much your hair has grown. i miss you sooo much xx

  2. Are those heel designed by who I think they are designed by?!?! Nice!

  3. Love them both. Oh, i want some red shoes, haven't really looked for any... and love the black ones with the peep hole toes. You have such beautiful feet (hope that doesn't sound weird) I love that isabelle is on the the photo shoot with you.
