Grande Prairie, Alberta!

This year on our trip home to CANADA we:

Went to Grande Prairie Alberta for the first time ever! We went up there to visit Lances Sister, Sabra and her family. We arrived on Friday June 3rd, 2011 and we were greeted with snow! That's right it was snowing in June. It was cold too! Scarlett was impressed and curious about the snow. As far as she can remember she has never seen snow. 

We had a super nice time Visiting with the Mclains. They have a beautiful house and were great hosts. They took us out to their favorite Chinese food restaurant and it was yummy! We also did some shopping, went to the farmers market, went out to the show. Sabra made us some delicious tea, the boys went riding on the motorbikes and played some squash. Anthony was a great babysitter while we went to watch Harolds Air Cadets Ceremony. All in all it was great to spend sometime with them. Usually there are a lot of people around when we see them once a year. This one on one time was nice. We are so glad they let us come and stay.

I didn't take many pictures while we were there for some reason. Here are the few I took ~ note the snow!

Scarlett with her Auntie Sabra

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1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you commented! Paul said he thought we'd make great friends. Yes, I too have a juicer and my kids just can't get past that green color. I need opaque cups and lids. Hopefully I'll be able to tag along on one of these jaunts to the philippines. Your kids are absolutely adorable!
