Gotta love DATE NIGHT!!

So Lance and I are fortunate enough to be able to go out on a Date almost once a week. It's been so nice to be able to spend that time together as well as explore the new City we are living in. One thing we like to do sometimes is go for a couples Massage. It costs us about $10 total for 1 hour, full body....and that's for both of us! It's so nice and relaxing and aside from being a bit greasy after wards and we both feel great! One of my favorite things about date night is we get to take the motorbike and I absolutely LOVE it! It's so fun to ride on and it's quick to get around since the Philippino way of driving is a little less effective sometimes.....I tried to take a pic of us on the bike but this is the best I got and to tell you the truth it's a little concerning that lances eyes are closed, he's the one driving......?! (next time I will get someone else to take one of us)
Waiting for our turn for the Massage.....
They wash your feet for you first before you get undressed for the Massage to start.....
Anyway we had a blast.....Love you honey! Watch for more "DATE NIGHT" activities.....

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1 comment:

  1. Lookin good! One smokin hot momma! Like your shirt too. Oh I am jealous of the massages and weekly date nights. Who babysits the kids?
