We made our main camp in the middle of the little town in a picnic shelter type park. Right next to the outdoor swimming pool. At one point we decided to try and get all the kids together for a picture.....Here they are! I think we got most of them in there. They had a blast running and playing together. We were treated to a delicious picnic lunch of hoggie sandwiches, chips, pop, cookies and more....like I said before, we were really well taken care of!
They took us out to this great little family restaurant for dinner one of the nights. The food was very good and the service was great too. Here is Scarlett having a few bonding minute with her auntie Sabra while we were waiting for our food to come....She was quite sick while we were down there with a high fever and unfortunately she slept most of the time. When she was awake she only wanted mommy and was very irritable. A few days after we left she started to get better and that's when noticed the two new teeth in her mouth!! That would explain the fever etc....
The last day we were there we were invited out to a HUGE BBQ at this beautiful farm just a few miles away from the I90 Inn. I couldn't believe all the food they had there and all the people they were feeding. What a huge job to prepare and plan for so many people. The food was wonderful as was the company. We really enjoyed ourselves. We had such a great time visiting with everyone. Here is Scarlett playing with her cousin Adison. They are so cute together and will be best buds before long. Since Scarlett wasn't walking yet it was a bit harder for them to really play together to much, but they still managed to a bit.
Here are some of the people at the BBQ. The Two boys manned the grill and did and amazing job. I had a huge burger, it was about the size of my face, all loaded up with stuff! mmmmmmmm
Here is Lance with all his brothers and sisters. Sabra is the oldest in the blue shirt. Then comes the goofy looking one (Lances only Brother John!) Next comes Mary in the red, then Chelsey off to the far left and last but not least, My Stud muffin, Lance ~ the baby of the family!
We managed to get everyone from the BBQ together for a giant family picture!! Her we all are....a pretty nice looking bunch if I do say so myself!
As we were leaving the BBQ that night Isabelle was saying she was hungry. Mostly because she was playing so hard she didn't stop for long to eat anything. So she quickly grabbed a corn on the cob on the way out the door and munched in down cold on the van on the way back to the hotel! Silly girl.....